Many people each year come up with great ideas for new inventions, but only a fraction of these ever amount to anything. One of the reasons behind this is that while the person might have had a lightbulb moment and had an excellent idea, they have no experience or knowledge of what they need to do next and how to move forward with their ideas. As a result, a large number of people simply forget about the idea and get on with their everyday lives. # InventHelp # Inventions # Patent # Ideas # Inventors Of course, this is a real shame, as there is no doubt that the world has missed out on many excellent inventions as a result of this. Fortunately, new inventors do not have to try and navigate the industry alone, as there is help out there including the reputable invention services provider, InventHelp. Many new inventors have turned to this company for support and guidance when it comes to moving forward with their invention idea. By gett...